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Custom Dataset Evaluation

This function is able to do the interaction analysis on your own dataset and to compare it with our in-house datasets.


Please watch our tutorial video: YouTube or Download.

  1. Input gene expression profile (e.g., log2(TPM or FPKM+1) for RNA-seq, or rma values for microarray). Compressed formats of ".gz" and ".zip" are accepted.
  2. Input clinical information, including survival length, censorship, and optional factors if available (e.g., age, gender, stage).
  3. Select the expression profile platform you used. (Select 'Others' and describe it if the profiling platform of your data is not in our list.)
  4. Select the cancer type of your data in the format of TCGA acronym. (Select 'Others' and describe it if the cancer type of your data is not listed.)
  5. Select the treatment your samples treated with. (Select 'Others' and describe it if there is either no treatment or the treatment is not listed.)
  6. You can download the result plots by clicking the button.

Input Example


Cancer Type:




Files Input

Choose File:  {{}}

  • {{e}}
  • Metadata

    {{ form.metadata.platform.error}}

    Choose File:  {{}}

  • {{e}}
  • {{ form.metadata.cancerType.error}}

    {{ form.metadata.treatment.error}}

    • {{msg}}
  • Click to start new running.
  • Your dataset has been successfully evaluated.

    Please download all of the interaction result here: {{}}

    Dana Farber Cancer Institute & Harvard University © 2018-2020